Thursday, February 19, 2009


today so sian... starting to feel emo like last time... wads worst is tat i dont even have a loyal friend to talk to... the other time i trusted one guy n he told the whole class wad i said so i decided to have some fun too(: As i am the class dicipline manager, i am entitled to the rites of checking the bag of ppl and confiscting them(: So i just check his bag for fun not expecting anything... Guess wad i found ^^... two fone, i mp3, a PSP!!!! I immediatly confiscate nd pass to my form teacher... i got awarded extra service points... but i still felt bad abt my friend... i don know y i did tat... i hav nver done tat before... and nver tought of tat... i feel as if i am abt to change... but i am still as emo as ever... having _ friends is bad u know... AND WAD I FELL IS TAT,

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