Friday, February 27, 2009

don know wad to do now... feel so tired + my whole body aching like hell... ty to the trainings on wednesday and friday... next tuesday, wednesay, friday still got... how to recover sia... IF recover must train if not skills will deprove. hya, there's this boy in my sch he got no CCA cause he never come for 4 lesson and he nv giv teacher mc... another guy from my class three time nv come liao, next lesson he don come teacher wan call his parents... don feel sad for him, cause he aways make his teeth look like buck teeth on purpose then everytime tell ppl abt him without askin... veri stuborn too, cant even giv a simple EXCUSE to teacher then say his debating is the best still put on class blog! PSLE aggregate get 209 heng heng come a sch tat 212 then say he smartest in class!! sian... dont know wad to do and rite... bb lah
today softball so damn wad sia!! wednesday training already like 100 rounds around sch( one round is estimated to be 1.2km...) 200 push up and sit-up then my hand is like bone break plus one match with our senior results... senior:1 we:0 and the best part is tat our senior play good tat day and is the 2nd in east zone!! today!! better news... but nv trash senior... senior: 3 we:1 and the 1 is i score sia!! i hit home run !!! OMG tat is so cool man, and 'cause of tat, i jing sch team!! this is like the best thing!! i wish u good luck in ur CCA too! u can do it!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

sry for not posting yesterday... CCA kill me, cannot rite... GUYS, from now on, all postings... might be positive... maybe will post every few days cause i si bei busy... should not giv up hope... but u should not giv up on me lah... u all also cannot so dego lah!! all heartless wan... wan to hate me, let me change, also must tell me where wrong lah!!! k lah... i in my softball CCA jing school team le...yay... diao... tomorro got training... sian... but my jersey not bad, the number too. my number is 23. i choose cause p1 to p6 most of my register number also 23... gtg, bb

Monday, February 23, 2009


ty u u guys for bein my fren... i will remember u in my next life or this life if someone managed to persuade me to... (i hope no one will do this cause i wanna ...) my plan is to live only for this year only to do god things and enjoy life before i ... but if i am able to accomplish some goals in life this year... i might cosider continue living and only if i have more than 10 frens this year and dont get critisized everywhere i go... i jus got bashing from my own classmate today and got scream by over 30 ppl for stoping them from doin things(eg fighting, shouting, walking abt in the class) Is not tat i wan to be kpo but i am the disipline manager of my class and i had the duty... after writing this...i decided tat
live on:1%
go hell:99%
cause i cannot find the reason to live... and wats worst is tat some ppl don appreciate their frens!!! This goes out to all idiots tat treat their frens badly...

Sunday, February 22, 2009


sian sia... evrybody despise me... y??? wad i do?!?! maybe i goin darren's house later... even his brother and mother hate me... isit my looks or wad... Y THE HELLDOES EVERYONE HATE ME SO MUCH!!!!!! sob... sob... but on the bright site... i bought a soccer boots... it makes me feel loads better... (this msg is for the gals) how do i look? am i like-ugly tats y so many ppl hate me or.......

Saturday, February 21, 2009


yesterday...nvm but nothing new... as emo as ever now... making frens is difficult... y do everyone hate me so much... n am i tat irritating???..... at least i still hav 4 frens... better than being lonely... ty guys!! for being my fren!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


i feel so emo tat all my primary school frens have deserted me... only left with frens are meant to be traitors i tink... y do everybody hate me so much??wad did i do to them?? first is sy, then is ty then j!!!(dont wish to say their names...) my loyal frens tat am reading tis, if u really consider me as a fren, can u leave a comment abt wad i should do?? almost got fired as a dicipline manager today somemore... y can other ppl lead a good life while i cant even have a good family!!!! and frens!!!! seriously, my frens are mostly girls cause the boys have all deserted me... since i hav some loyal frens, i tink they deserve the glory... so they are Jia Qin, Jia Qi, Darren, Thomas... onli 4... diaoz ... i cant believe this... is this my future??? kill me.............


today so sian... starting to feel emo like last time... wads worst is tat i dont even have a loyal friend to talk to... the other time i trusted one guy n he told the whole class wad i said so i decided to have some fun too(: As i am the class dicipline manager, i am entitled to the rites of checking the bag of ppl and confiscting them(: So i just check his bag for fun not expecting anything... Guess wad i found ^^... two fone, i mp3, a PSP!!!! I immediatly confiscate nd pass to my form teacher... i got awarded extra service points... but i still felt bad abt my friend... i don know y i did tat... i hav nver done tat before... and nver tought of tat... i feel as if i am abt to change... but i am still as emo as ever... having _ friends is bad u know... AND WAD I FELL IS TAT,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


today sian sia... soft ball CCA kiled me... but still, soft ball is fun exept for the punishment...--100 push-up at once sia!!!! Com back 7+ someore... our captain say those hu nv catch the ball, whole team do 100... so many nv catch... i tink i did over 1k plus le... diaoz...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


i just created this blog...veri sian ah, got no friend... today in school got kick out of my CA1 art group... cause when they pasting the two piece of paper together from the start i said "operation in progress and they looked at me angryly then continued to past the paper then the accidentally pasted the middle of the paper and they were trying to take ut the scotch tape when i said "oh no!! we cut the artillery!! Get ready it for mending!! The bood level in the patient is 98.8%!! Quickly doctor!! Then they told me to shut up!... then one of the "surgeons" suggested jus take a new paper lah! And i replied " you cant replce an artillery!!! Then they went mad and tore the paper... and i said..." YOU JUST TORE THE VAINFROM THE PATIENT!!!!" and they gave e 1st warning and all... But before i kanna y 2nd warning, one of my group member join in my fun and said "Doctor, becarefull!!! You almost cut the patients lungs then we burst out laughing tillthey kicked us out... sian sia...